Board of Directors

A Hard Working Group!

The Indialantic Chamber Singers organization periodically elects a board of directors, from its membership, to look after the legal responsibilities of the organization and to provide guidance and leadership in the fulfillment of the organization’s mission and vision.  This volunteer group of individuals gives much of its time and talent to the organization.  They meet on a monthly basis to address the many financial and artistic challenges facing the organization and to do everything that is required in planning, preparing, promoting and bringing our audiences the programming that they desire.  Our membership at large provides its time and talent free of charge and often pays membership dues to help defray the cost of new music.  The board is constantly on the look out for potential sponsors, grants and donations to ensure that we can continue bringing our audiences exciting choral music programs.  As such, they work hard to foster relationships with other cultural organizations in the area to extend the reach through collaborative projects.

President – Anthony “Tony” J. Spadafora, III
Vice President – Tim Brown
Secretary – Stephanie Bishop
Treasurer – Eric Sutton
General Representative – Tamsey Audet
General Representative – Ray McCown
General Representative – Stephanie Reilly